Posted on March 4, 2024  — 

Song of the Braves (Kuki Volunteers)

Into the fray, where shadows dance,
Courage meets its daring chance,
Where warriors brave, In fearless stance,
Forge their path with every glance.

Beneath the canopy of starlit night,
They march, their spirits burning bright,
Each step a testament to might,
As they embrace the call to fight.

Through tumult, chaos, and the storm,
Their souls are steadfast, firm and warm,
In the crucible, their valor born,
Into the fray, they are reborn.

With swords of honor and shields of grace,
They charge ahead, to meet the chase,
In every battle, they find their place,
With steadfast hearts, they leave no trace.

Though dangers loom and shadows fall,
They heed the clarion, heed the call,
For in the fray, they stand tall,
Bound by duty, they give their all.

So into the fray, they boldly tread,
Where heroes live, and legends spread,
Their courage shines, a beacon-led,
In the tumultuous dance, they're ahead.

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