Posted on April 28, 2024  — 

History forsakes the weak

History narrates the stories of the strong,
It records the adventures of the brave,
It has no room for cowards, and
The weak have no place on its thousand pages.

Nobody wants to listen to the accounts of the defeated;
But rather, the chronicles of the conquerors.
Nobody wants to read the loser's diaries,
But rather, the exciting records of the champions.

Rest not, my people; Never let go of your grip!
For we must write our own history!
With the ink of our blood and sweat,
On the pages where our Fatherland serves as paper.

Remember, the weak have no country of their own;
For they live only in the shadows of the strong!
Nor do cowards enjoy the fruits of their land;
For they only live by paying taxes to the brave!

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