Posted on August 28, 2024  — 


Where My People Speak the Truth Without Fear
and Live Together in Peace and Harmony.

Where the Kuki Zo Brethren Tribes
begin to actually begin to speak up the truth
without fear and with their head held high

Where their land is free from hatred and corruption
but filled with Love and understanding.

Where their land is not been broken up into fragments
By narrow ethnic, clan fanatism,
minor petty domestic bamboo fences and mud walls.

Where words of peace and reconciliation come out
from the depths of truth from the core of their heart.

Where they all tirelessly strive and stretches their arms
raise in unison towards perfect unison
crying for oneness long overdue.

Where the clear stream of reason is not lost
but recovered and they imbibe the truth without selfishness
they hold on for too long.

Where their mind is led forward by the mighty hands
of the Almighty they all professed to have worship.

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