Posted on September 18, 2024  — 


In our little Haokip Veng, We grew together like brothers and sisters, Watched, ate, played, slept, cried, and laughed- Tuitions ended, we ran out like wild bulls, Where trees aligned, we played elastic and line cross. Amidst our fun, we argued and fought, Pulled each other's hair and sobbed for a while, But soon returned to our old selves, Rekindling the joy with every smile.

Sundays came, we went to Sunday school, With stories and photos, and a junk food feast, Oftentimes, we got naughty, broke the rules, We'd sneak out at night, hearts pounding with thrill, Watching football matches, chasing fleeting highs. Though the endings weren't always merry, With irises turned red from parental wrath, After some dramatic scolding, we'd learn our path.

As we grew, our teenage lives diverged, Choosing our streams, down different roads, Some stayed, some moved on, Fighting our battles, chasing our dreams, As December approached, Haokip Veng warmed, With Christmas lights and decorations aglow, Choir songs echoed by the bonfire's embrace, And warm tea shared as we whispered low.

Mornings began with folks gathering at Nu Lam's hotel, Sipping warm tea and savoring fresh puris. We'd gather to eat, watch the World Cup, and share, But everything changed on that fateful day: May 4,2023 A place once filled with laughter, now burnt to despair. The roads no longer witness children at play, No Church bells ring at 7 in the morn, The ground must long for the joy we once knew, If only it could speak, it would share its mourn.

We're sorry we couldn't protect you, dear land, Yet thankful for the memories we made hand in hand. Now scattered across the vastness of India, Randomly crying through phone calls we share, Amid the impossibility, I cling to hope, That one day we'll decorate the Church with care, Gather around the fire, and share sweet tales once again, Reviving the spirit of Haokip Veng's refrain.

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