Posted on September 25, 2023  — 


In shadows draped, in somber gloom, A tale of honor, a mournful tune, For martyrs bold, who've gone before, In battles fought, forevermore.

Their noble hearts, so bravely bared, Their souls aflame, with valor shared, They heeded duty's solemn call, In sacrifice, they gave their all.

Upon the fields, where freedom weeps, Their blood-soaked steps, a path that keeps, The memory alive, their names enshrined, In hallowed echoes, through endless time.

No trumpet's sound can quell the ache, For those who fell, for freedom's sake, Their spirits linger, in ghostly guise, In whispered whispers, their voices rise.

Their valor shines, like stars above, In history's pages, a lasting love, Their stories etched, in tear-stained ink, With each passing year, we deeply think.

Oh, martyrs dear, in silence we stand, With heads bowed low, in reverent demand, To honor your lives, your courage profound, To cherish the legacy, on sacred ground.

Yet, in our hearts, a sorrow reigns, For the loss endured, the silent pains, We bear witness to their noble fight, Their sacrifice, our guiding light.

So let us vow, with solemn grace, To cherish their memory, embrace their trace, With tears in eyes, but strength in soul, We'll honor the martyrs, till heavens unroll.

In whispered prayers, their names we say, For they are the heroes, who light our way, In the hallowed halls of eternal sleep, May their souls find solace, in memories deep.

Oh, martyrs true, in realms afar, Your sacrifice, like a glowing star, Shall forever burn, in our grateful hearts, As we strive for peace, and a world that imparts.

In melancholic tears, we'll sing your praise, Till the end of days, in timeless lays, With honor and reverence, our voices entwined, For the martyrs of old, their spirits enshrined.

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