Posted on July 12, 2024  — 


In the shadowed vale of endless strife,
Where hope and fear in tandem vie,
We tread a path of blood and tears,
With dreams that lift, yet doubts that sear.

The vision of a land apart,
A sanctuary for the wounded heart,
Through trials deep and burdens vast,
A future free from shadows cast.

Yet, whispers of the past remain,
Of battles fought, of searing pain,
And as we march through days of gray,
The fear, like dusk, will not allay.

What if our sacrifice in vain,
The countless lives, the silent pain,
The freedom sought through crimson streams,
Dissolves like mist in fractured dreams?

The elders' tales of courage bold,
The young ones' eyes, defiance cold,
Each step we take, a heavy tread,
With fears of dreams left cold and dead.

Still, through the dark, a spark of light,
A hope that glimmers through the night,
That all we've borne, the lives we gave,
Will carve our path, our future pave.

O spirits of the fallen brave,
Inspire us now, our hearts enslave,
To rise beyond the fear we feel,
And to our cause, remain as steel.

For in this quest, though fear may bind,
We'll forge ahead, though fate be blind,
And in the end, our truth shall shine,
A testament through space and time.

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