Home Minister Amit Shah’s insentive remark on the Kuki-Zos’ political demand truly contradicts the constitutional norms of democratic India. The purported statement, if true, is a serious disregard of the legitimate rights enshrined in the Constitution and a grave injustice being unleashed to the Kuki-Zo community.
On March 8, The Tribune has published an article wherein it reported that Amit Shah has vehemently opposed the key demand of Kuki-Zo community for Union Territory status under Article 239A of Indian Constitution based on Article 3, stating that it is “completely non-negotiable”. This was reportedly conveyed to Manipur Governor Ajay Kumar Bhalla and other key officials of the strife-torn Manipur during a recent security review meeting presided over by Amit Shah.
Quoting high placed sources, The Tribune has reported that during the meeting on Manipur held by Shah on March 1, he was learnt to have clearly conveyed to Governor Bhalla and other top Home Ministry officials that the main demand of the Kuki-Zo community, seeking union territory status with separate administration in the districts of Manipur having majority tribal population is a “non-negotiable issue” and it needs to be rebuffed.
His statement clearly demonstrated that Amit Shah is deliberately denying the legitimate rights of the Kuki-Zo tribals, be it fundamental or democratic rights, in their own ancestral land in the hill areas of Manipur. The “non-negotiable” remark of Amit Shah is highly condemnable, and a reflection of his seer ignorance towards constitutional legitimacy.
His insentive action manifests that the Home Minister is covertly or visibly in complicit with majority Meitei community during the ongoing ethnic persecution of the minority Christians.
Continuous Suppression of Minorities’ Rights:
It is now clear to all right thinking citizens that Amit Shah still fails to learn anything from the State-sponsored ethnic violence in Manipur. He continuously suppresses the rights and aspirations of the minority Kuki-Zo tribals at the expense of the majoritarian facsists’ rhetorics; thus, allowing hardcore or radicalised elements to hijack agenda and unleashing bullies without addressing the genuine cause for lasting peace. His directives have serious ramifications and a sure recipe for disaster rather than restoring peace and tranquility.
For nearly two years, the northeastern state has been engulfed in state-orchestrated violence, and the central government stood by as the Kuki-Zo people were slaughtered, displaced, and brutalized. The so-called BJP’s “double-engine” governments let Manipur burns while Biren Singh and his political cohort Amit Shah openly sided with fascist Meiteis. The suppression, oppression or persecution of the tribals by the current regime continues with impunity, shattering justice and accountability.
Instead of forcing unwanted peace, Amit Shah must wake up and do revisit the Constitutional provisions to resolve the ongoing violence through political dialogue. He should realise that Constitution does not prohibit people from advocating for new states/UT. Article 3 of the Constitution empowers Parliament to create new states/UT, alter existing state boundaries or change state names. The process does not require the concerned state’s consent, though the President must refer the proposal to the state legislature for its views. However, these views are not binding on Parliament.
Further, the Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld Parliament’s power under Article 3, making it clear that no state has absolute territorial rights.
Separation Only Solution for Peace:
Real peace in Manipur depends on addressing the root causes—disarmament of Meiteis’ armed groups, confidence-building measure between communities, and addressing long-term political problems. Without these, it may only be a band-aid solution.
The Government of India must note that when the people are oppressed, when tyranny reigns and justice is denied; when no power in the land answers the cries of the sufferings, the only choice remain is clear—to resist and fight until a drop of bloods flows in their veins. The Centre’s top priority must be to institute a genuine peace-making efforts through political dialogue and transitional justice mechanism, not unilaterally restoring the geographical status quo ante.
If the concerned authorities are adamant on the state’s territorial integrity, they are putting the cart before the horse once again. Regardless of one’s perspective, the reality remains that the State administration under the former narcissistic Chief Minister, N. Biren Singh has effectively created a division between Meitei and Kuki-Zo territories. This separation has resulted in a fundamental transformation, rendering it impossible to reunify Manipur as it once was. The consequences of this bifurcation will be long-lasting and far-reaching.
The conflict-resolution should now begin based ground reality. As the two warring communities are already separated and a partition wall has been created, the only solution lies in formally enforcing the separation of administration. Peace or free movement can come only after the formal partition is given as the Meiteis’ hate campaign against Kuki-Zo groups cannot go away by shaking hands again.
Amit Shah has to accept that the Kuki-Zo people cannot go to Imphal anymore unless the framework of partition is given and the separate administration is given. Peace is not something one can declare overnight or cannot be imposed by force. It has to be bulit brick by brick by upholding justice, accountability and long-term political solution.
Thingkho Le Malcha (TLM) is a traditional method of communication used to send out messages across the Kuki hills during the Anglo-Kuki War,1917-1919... more
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