Posted on July 5, 2024  — 


In the quiet dawn of an awakening mind,
Lies the power to shape, to seek, to find,
The strength within, a beacon bright,
Guiding through the darkest night.

Self-governance, a noble art,
Where wisdom rules the head and heart,
No chains to bind, no force to sway,
The path we tread, our own to lay.

With courage bold and vision clear,
We cast aside both doubt and fear,
Embracing choices, rich and free,
Crafting our own destiny.

Like a river, swift and true,
We carve a course through skies of blue,
In harmony with nature's grace,
Finding our rightful place.

In the mirror of our soul,
We see the fragments, once whole,
Now pieced together, strong and sure,
A testament to wills endured.

For in the quiet, still and deep,
Where ancient truths in shadows sleep,
Awaits the dawn, where we arise,
Self-governed, wise, beneath the skies.

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