Posted on April 14, 2024  — 

Band of Brothers

Our band is few but true, tried and trialled by fire.
15 strong and fearing none, none that need be feared which bleed.
Like our fathers before and in days of yore our fathers' father, Who answered the call, on the hour of his nation's need.
True sons of the soil, in the truest sense of the word indeed.
Now we honor the same, young and aged, strong and abled, to join the fray.
Lest we die of shame, a coward, if we hie from our calling today.
While Armed With every treachery known and unknown under the sun, Veiled beasts with their wild pride lay siege our Zalen'Gam And with brute force domineer over us, holding our Freedom ransom.
Our freedom, no ransom worth more or equals, even our lives.
So we come now to the alter, in this very sanctum sancrotum, No crown, no coins to offer but to barter- Liberty, limb or lives.
Hereon, we bequeath our future into our own hands
Ready to take and ready to give what the hour commands.
To take and ask no quarters, to hold and give none. Through Mornings of pacing, days of waiting and nights of waking, Standing staunch, on the vedetta, with eager eyes, for a nearing gun.
Come what may, leaden hail or hail of lead, we welcome all.
We'll meet them down in the vale, we'll struck them down in the hill, We know not to yield, we know not how to quail, Strong in will, never to yield, pulse of a free man beat still.
Ready to share this ground where champions of freedom lay
Ready to join them in the long silence, if that is our fate today.
We band of few, we band of brothers-forgles dans le feu We will be numbered with the free, or numbered with the few, Who embraced the ultimate price of freedom over a peaceful chain of slavery.
Who'd sooner die fighting on their feet to remain free, Than live a shackled slave upon their knees.
So, We band of few, We band of Brothers of Pengpalep (8) get, With resolute hearts we smite our breast upon a solemn decree-
"Liberty or Lead, Zalen'Gam or Death".

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