Posted on October 23, 2023  — 

Biren Singh’s Repeated Lie is Only Oiling the Violence

N Biren Singh, the mastermind of the pogrom against the Kuki-Zo people, is continuing to fuel the violence instead of admitting his mistakes and making amend to end the crisis. Admitting guilt is hard, yet there is no greater respect than for the man who realises his mistakes and boldly admits them without any excuse. N Biren Singh does not belong to the breed who easily admit mistakes. Rather, Biren Singh is taking a firm recourse and lives by the mantra of the Nazism law of propaganda – ‘Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.’ This principle is not going to work favourably every time though.

Instead of admitting mistakes, Biren pampered his ego and fabricated narratives to pass all the blame to the Kuki-Zo people whom he ruthlessly persecuted. The more he peddles manufactured lies and propaganda to cover up his misdeeds, the more frustrated he becomes. Now, his own ghost is apparently starting to haunt him.

His empty talks, his falsehood, mediocrity and importantly his misuse of his position, all resulted in the spiralling down of his popularity even among the Meitei population, who once endorsed his every move. Meitei mobs chanting the S****u slogan against Biren Singh is simply telling. For now, any attempt to initiate dialogue between the warring groups would prove futile until Biren Singh is silenced and kept totally out of the picture. 

In an interview he gave to the Times of India, N Biren Singh blatantly said, “though the immediate trigger was his government’s war on drugs, implementation of the Indian Forest Act, 1927, and identification of illegal immigrants, the genesis was planned years ago with the demand for a separate nation.”

His utterance was nothing but a figment of his imagination. Since the outbreak of the violence, Biren Singh resorted to making untenable and irrational statements in his attempt to put all the blames on the Kuki-Zo community for the violence he orchestrated. His hallucinatory statement has found no taker except for a few who have a different agenda.

Biren government’s much-hyped ‘War on Drugs’ was a total failure as unmasked by officials and people closely working on it. It has been revealed time and again that Biren, along with his close associates including his immediate relatives are involved in the drug trade. Therefore, the war on drugs cannot be attributed to the violence besieging the State now.

Implementation of the Indian Forest Act or the contents of the Act never affects the indigenous Kuki-Zo community. The Kuki-Zos are very much aware that the Forest Acts are used as tools to dispossess them of their ancestral land by the present dispensation under Biren Singh. The issue of ‘illegal immigrants’ is overhyped. Official data always contradicted the claims of Biren Singh and his henchmen. They are amplifying, if not romanticising, the issue of ‘illegal immigrants’ to justify their misdeeds.

It was N Biren Singh and the secessionist Valley Based Insurgent/Underground Groups (VBIG/VBUGs) who were firmly committed to a separate sovereign Meitei country. The subversive activities of these inimical and anti-national elements are well-known by all and sundry. Notwithstanding, Biren Singh prioritises policy that ratifies the separatists agenda.

Biren was absolutely right when he said that the violence was planned years ago to press for a separate nation. Indeed, it was the Meiteis’ perspective he was conveying although he twists it otherwise. 

The fact is that he is the mastermind of the mayhem. It is unimaginable for the conflict to persist for such an extended period without the support of N Biren Singh. He still resorts to stoking communal passion by making unwarranted, provocative statements.

Nobody in the Meitei society dares to speak out the truth, because he promotes vigilantism, and instigates radical mobs to attack anyone spilling out the truth, instances of such pernicious and wicked activities galore. The Central BJP leadership is committing a very serious mistake by entrusting its Manipur affairs to such an incompetent, insecure and biased leader in the person of N Biren Singh.

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