Posted on May 6, 2024  — 

Blood that whispers; listen!

Yours is the fertile blood
That gushes forth 'Spring of New Living'
That of brotherly love that once was,
but death for quite a while now
yours is a sanctifier
That weeded out the egoic sludge

That united the separated bredren
Like a bond so fondly formed,
Heavenly bond!

'A terrible beauty was born'
Born indeed in a land of seperated bounty
By the cause of your brave fatality

Unless a seed falls on the ground and die,
it cannot bear fruits of plenty,
was the prophesy!
We're hopelessly hopeful of it,
In such an immense ecstasy

Need I say more,
Of these beautiful souls' sore
Indeed must be sung more
And aloud, and forever

These brave hearts whose lovely lives' lifeless now
That their's begotten (separated) bredren
might truely live lives, now!

However sadly so is the grim state
of our human hearts- corrupted and greedy;
Leaders and the peoples and acclaimed seers the same
Yet these warriors turns such greed to freed;
Us, from the snares and plots of the evil one

Free us, free us; free us truely now, free us more!
Your blood shall not run in vain!

Yours is the sacrifice that indeed will be sung now and forever more.
We lament, we mourn and we adorn,
Yours sacrificial lives

Might it seem wasted in the eyes of the enemy
It will forever live rent free in these bodies we carry
Until that glorious days,
God bestowed due rewards to human souls
We'll sing proudly over your broken bodies,
Elated above all, proudly of you warriors
Never scared, self sacrificial-
dying to pay homage to these ancestral soils.

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