Posted on September 23, 2023  — 


What is a nation without my brothers singing in unison? What is my life's worth if it means leaving my brothers alone at the frontline?

It's beautiful when you see black and white together But more so if you add green, yellow and blue I would like to avoid seeing red because it reminds me of the enemies who slit and slash our bodies and souls My brothers, Your calloused hands and blistered feet are testimonies of what you've done to protect us All the things you gave up for us, Nothing will ever be able to compensate the lives of our fallen brothers But to be a child of God is to let go and let the light and healing come in My brothers, I know you're only humans but you're super humans to us Fighting bullets and bombs even when your whole bodies are trembling My brothers, I wish this war is over I want you to come home and eat our mother's homecooked meal But i guess i'll practise my patience While praying you bring home the trophy.....

This is writen at the backdrop of our Brothers in the frontline being the sole barriers and protector of our land, our safety and security. We stand in awe and reverence of our Brothers' selfless act and Bravado in the face of death and danger against the Meiteis. We shall pray for their safe returns amidst the gore and glory, believing that they will come home as Victors.

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