In the wake of the ongoing state-sponsored ethnic cleansing pogrom against the Kuki-Zo community, various pieces of misinformation have been spread across the country. Since May 2023, or even earlier, the Imphal valley has been flooded with Meiteis’ falsehoods; and as the crisis nears the completion of two years, these deceptions remain unchecked. Lies and propaganda have now reached a national scale.
Even after being caught with explosive, incriminating audiotapes, Biren and his supporters or Meitei sympathizers continue to lie blatantly, with utter disregard for the facts and circumstances arising from the state-orchestrated ethnic persecution of the minority Kuki-Zo Christians.
The Meitei Chief Minister, N. Biren Singh, also the architect of the ongoing violence, has consistently attributed the crisis to an alleged influx of “illegal immigrants, drug mafia wars, transnational conspiracies,” etc., all of which are devoid of substance and far from the truth.
The fact is that the ongoing ethnic persecution is a well-thought-out plan being executed to annihilate the minority tribals from their ancestral homeland. There are no illegal immigrants, as claimed by the Meiteis, but only a few hundred refugees who have crossed the Indo-Myanmar border due to the humanitarian crisis in neighboring countries. These refugees have nothing to do with the present conflict.
All the narratives spread by N. Biren Singh and his supporters across various media platforms are false, misleading, and without evidence. In contrast, his explosive audiotapes revealed that he initiated the war against the Kukis by using state machinery under his control.
In the context of widespread misinformation, discussing the truth behind the Meiteis’ false narratives is necessary.
On the Allegation of the Kukis’ Non-Indigeneity in Manipur:
Contrary to the claims of radical Meiteis, including N. Biren Singh and their titular king Leisemba Sanajaoba, the Kuki groups are among the first settlers and indigenous communities of present-day Manipur. History is a testament to the fact that the Kukis have lived in the region since time immemorial, particularly in the “Kholkip-Kholjang” settlement, which is now identified as Keithenmanbi village in Kangpokpi district, known to the old Meiteis as ‘Khongjai Khunman’ (William Shaw, 1929: 28-29). This was the place where all living beings took refuge during the ‘great flood’ (Tuitobin), following the Imphal River (Gun in Kuki) to reach the southern hills—Meiteis followed behind them.
The historical presence of the Kuki people in the hills surrounding the Manipur valley is well-documented and undeniable. This, along with other important historical evidence, proves the indigeneity of the Kuki groups in the hills of Manipur.
The 1857 “Carte Generale Des Indes” map shows “Konkis” (Kukis) living in the highlands surrounding “Muunipour” (Manipur). Numerous other maps and colonial records, such as the Proceedings of Meetings, Vol. VIII of the Indian Historical Records Commission (1925, Lahore), describe Manipur as being surrounded by “large tracts of Cookie Mountains.” These records confirm that the Meitei kingdom was historically confined to the valley, while the hills were inhabited by the Kuki-Zo and Naga tribes. Despite this clear evidence, the Meitei community and the Manipur government continue to push a false narrative to undermine the Kuki-Zo people’s rights to their ancestral lands.
The Kuki-Zo people have lived on these lands for centuries, and their right to self-determination is non-negotiable. The Meitei community’s attempts to control Kuki lands are not only historically inaccurate but also a blatant violation of the Kuki-Zo people’s rights.
On the Allegation of an Increasing Number of Kuki Villages:
It is well known that the increasing number of Kuki villages in Kuki-dominated districts and the decrease in other districts of the state in recent times (since the 1980s) is a consequence of internal displacement from Naga-dominated districts. It has nothing to do with immigration from beyond the border.
The internal displacements were primarily caused by the Kuki-Naga conflict of the 1990s, which led to a mass migration of Kuki-Zo populations from Naga-dominated districts, particularly Ukhrul and Tamenglong, to Kuki-Zo-dominated districts. Additionally, the establishment of new villages is driven by customary practices such as Inchon—a traditional practice of establishing new villages from parent habitations on ancestral lands. There is nothing unusual about the formation of new villages; it is an established customary practice.
The government should rely on official census figures to determine abnormal population growth, not the increase or decrease in the number of villages.
Moreover, the practice of a chief splitting up his village into smaller hamlets is common among the Kukis due to environmental factors rather than customs and traditions. To an outsider, such practices may appear nomadic, but for the Kukis, it represents the expansion of space for subsistence within the jurisdiction of their villages.
Unsubstantiated Allegation of Kukis’ Abnormal Population Growth:
The claim of a massive influx of illegal immigrants is entirely unsubstantiated and a deliberate falsehood spread by the Meiteis and their Chief Minister, N. Biren Singh. The fact is that the Kukis who came from the Kabaw Valley in 1967 and thereafter (the so-called ‘foreigners/aliens’) were returnees who had been expelled by the Burmese authorities for being Indian citizens. They had originally crossed into Burma due to displacement caused by Naga movements along the Indo-Burma border districts.
If the Meitei government truly intends to identify migrants/refugees of Myanmar origin residing in Manipur, they should first examine Meitei immigrants from Bangladesh, as well as those from Cachar and Tripura, under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation (BEFR) of 1873, which was extended to Manipur in 2019.
Decadal census data does not indicate any illegal influx. The Kuki-Zo population in Manipur has consistently remained between 14% and 16%. As per the 1901 census, Manipur had a total population of 284,488, of which 41,262 were Kukis, making up 14.5%. Meiteis did not constitute 64% of the population; they accounted for 57.7%, including the Lois population.
According to the 2011 Census, the total Kuki population in Manipur was 464,893, or 16.2% of the total state population of 2,855,794. Over 110 years, the Kuki-Zo population increased by only 1.7%, which is well below the national average growth rate. This exposes the politically motivated narrative of “illegal infiltration” spread by the Meiteis to demonize the Kuki-Zo people.
Preposterous Linking of Kukis with Foreign hands:
Linking the ongoing ethnic persecution against the minority Kukis or Kuki insurgency groups with Foreign hand is preposterous, unnecessary and devoid of any substances as the Kuki groups are demanding their legitimate rights under the framework of Indian Constitution. They are not secessionists like the Meiteis.
The Chinese and North East India Insurgency groups, except for Kuki groups, are conceived to have foreign hands in their struggle for sovereignty. The instance of the establishment of the NSCN (IM) with the aim to establish a ‘Greater Nagaland’ based on Mao Tse Tung’s ideology and the Pre-merger status movement of the erstwhile Meitei Kingdom by VBIGs have the presence of historical links with China, Myanmar, etc.
The Meiteis’ proscribed PLA outfit and other groups of UNLF (K), PREPAK, KYKL, etc., have been waging ‘transnational war’ against India from Myanmar under the protection of Myanmar’s Military Junta. They all have their tactical based-camps inside Myanmar - their safe heaven.
Since the outbreak of this conflict, the Meitei insurgency groups like UNLF, PLA, KYKL, etc., infiltrated across the border and joined the communal Police Commandos, Arambai Tenggol and Meitei Leepun to fight a united front against the minority Kuki-Zo people.
In sharp contrast, the Kuki groups under the two umbrellas of KNO and UPF have been in Suspension of Operation with the Government of India since 2008 and are in Political Dialogue for decades now. They are under constant surveillance of the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) and are thus restricted in their movements. Any allegation of linkage with foreign countries is unfounded, without any evidence.
Selective targeting of Kukis as Poppy Cultivators/Narco-terrorists:
Ridiculous as is the projection of Narco-terrorists laid on Kuki groups, facts to the contrary have emerged in due course of time. The Meitei political elites and the proscribed valley-based insurgency groups (commonly known as VBIGs) have emerged as the real narco-terrorists.
Manipur CM N. Biren Singh is trying every possible gimmick to get people to believe his sham campaign of “War on Drugs”. There’s nothing left that proves that Biren Singh’s War on Drugs is nothing but a facade, and still there are big questions raised on his alleged involvement in the drug business or any other illegal activities.
It is completely false to say that only Kukis are involved in poppy cultivation. There are different layers in the drug trade involving high-profile politicians. Some individuals from all the Meitei, Naga and Kuki communities are engaged in the drug business in Manipur.
CM Biren claims that the current ethnic conflict in Manipur is caused by Kuki-Zo people’s opposition to poppy cultivation. However, statistical data shows that the entire area of Manipur where poppy is grown is 45 acres approx; this is not just Kuki-Zo areas. This exposes his lies.
Evidence suggests that the real Narco-terrorists could be seen with the arrest of two Meitei individuals who were suppliers of international Narco Drug cartels, namely Ranbir Singh@Tinku and Loyangamba Itocha, who were arrested by Delhi police Special Cell (SR) in 2023.
Leishangthem Loyangamba, S/o Leishangthem Itocha Meitei, is enrolled in the electoral roll of Khurai Sajor Leikai, Part No 32, who happens to be a family member of a high-profile Minister Sushindro whom the common people called him as ‘the blue-eyed boy’ of CM N. Biren Singh.
The much-hyped false narrative of “a war against poppy cultivation”, which demonises the Kukis as a drug tribe, conceals the involvement of powerful quarters (including relatives of senior ministers of the Meiteis) in protecting the Indo-Myanmar drug trade. Official data indicates that some among all communities living in Manipur are involved in poppy plantation. But the Kukis are selectively vilified.
Poppy cultivation in Manipur, patronised by Burmese drug-lords like Zhang Zhi Ming, Lo Hsin Nian and the Wei brothers, needs to be rooted out effectively. However, the Meitei Government under N. Biren Singh has not taken serious steps against the existing narco-trafficking. Even the Meiteis’ proscribed Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP), in 2023, had alleged that political elites in Manipur “strongly encourage” illegal drug trade.
Question thus arises: Why is the Itocha drug cartel in Manipur, run by relatives of some powerful politicians, and their role in marketing the Burmese-origin drugs, not probed?
It was also an open secret that Manipur’s decorated police officer, Thounoujam Brinda, had to resign from her police job because she had tried to book a very close relative of a top ruling party politician.
A fact finding committee of the ‘Centre for Study of Society and Secularism’ made a shocking revelation. It states, “The poppy cartel pays the CM [N. Biren Singh] Rs. 250 crores per annum for protection, according to Brinda”.
His private militia aka Arambai Tenggol also seems to follow his paths and demand ‘Protection money’ from traders. It is very alarming for the nation as a whole that a Chief Minister of a state and his wife protect the drug cartels instead of punishing them.
While CM Biren is protecting the drug cartels, he is waging war against minority Kukis on the pretext of poppy plantation and drug smuggling. The real danger to the Nation is the democratically elected CM of Manipur protecting the drug cartels.
For over 20 months, the ongoing Violence in Manipur has exposed a disturbing truth to the Meitei Community’s relentless targeting of individuals who dare to speak Truth to power.
As time unfolds, malicious propaganda and false accusations against the truth are being steadily exposed and debunked, thwarting the Meiteis’ narcissistic attempts to silence truth through relentless nefarious efforts. Every false claim is gradually meeting its match in transparency, thus exposing the Meiteis’ desperate bids to intimidate Truth into submission.
Thingkho Le Malcha (TLM) is a traditional method of communication used to send out messages across the Kuki hills during the Anglo-Kuki War,1917-1919... more
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