Posted on January 11, 2024  — 


Feeling displaced in a land we once called Home;
Our birthplace where we used to freely roam.
Our rights stripped off and our voices silenced.
Like a broken weighing machine, nothing's balanced.
Our homes are engulfed with sorrow and despair.
The damage has been done and it's beyond repair.
The chasm can't be bridged with hollow promises
We stand resolute in our demand for justice.
This ruthless war left most of us in penury!
Ergo, optimism has now become a luxury.

Nevertheless, we can't afford to lower our shields,
For our savage enemies awaits us at the battlefield.
The idea of attaining peace at this rate is far-fetched.
Sweet old memories are forever in our hearts etched.
While the world turns its back and our cries ignored,
Let's keep our heads held high and be assured
That our Gracious God sees our agony and will not fail.
Mother dear, dry your tears and brighten your face pale.
Our God will deliver us like He always does;
And He will not forsake us in front of our foes.

Let's keep marching on with our unyielding spirit.
Till we make it to Zalengam; let's keep our candles lit.

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