Posted on September 10, 2024  — 


In the hills where our ancestors stood tall,
Where the winds carry stories of old,
We hear the echoes of those who have fallen,
Brave souls whose hearts were bold.

They stood with courage, with fire in their veins,
Defending the land that is ours to keep.
Their sacrifice is etched in our history,
Their memory, a promise we vow to keep.

We are the children of the Kuki Zo,
Born from the strength of the earth and sky.
In this battle, we stand together,
For our land, we shall not let die.

Our hearts may bleed, our tears may fall,
But we rise, we fight, we defend.
For the future of our children,
For the land our grandfathers did tend.

Remember God in every step,
In every battle, every tear.
With bravery in our hearts,
And kindness for those near.

We will stand true, we will stand strong,
For this is our home, our fight.
We will not yield, we will not break,
For in unity, we find our might.

Though the road is long and filled with pain,
We carry the torch that lights the way.
With the strength of those who came before,
We will see the dawn of a brighter day.

For every life that bravely fell,
For every voice that echoes still,
We honor them with every breath,
And vow to fight with iron will.

Together we stand, together we rise,
For the land, for our people, we strive.
With God as our guide, we shall prevail,
And our spirit, unbroken, will survive.

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