Posted on November 7, 2023  — 

Has Biren Destroyed Meiteis' '1000 Years Civilisation'?

Meiteis have been a community that love Art, Culture, Sports, etc. and they can be compared to the Bengalis in this aspect. Manipuri dance is appreciated through out the country, and Meitei cinema perhaps has no rival in the Northeast with the Assamese film industry coming closest to it. The Meiteis often allege that they belong to a Thousand Year Civilisation and they take great pride in it. However, the events that has unfolded since May 3, 2023, has exposed the fundamental foundations of the Meitei society and it has been found shockingly hollow, immoral and deprave. Is it because it didn’t have a foundation, a moral compass or a Point of Reference? Has it been a process or is it because of that one man Biren who has orchestrated the mayhem that is to blame which led men to act in such abominable heights? Lets looks at some points. When the conflict started on 3rd May, Biren Singh’s government first allowed a fake news of Meitei girls being raped in Lamka go viral. Once the IT Cells have done enough damage, they shut the internet making it impossible for the people to know the truth. When the father of the Meitei girl who was allegedly raped spoke up to deny it, much damaged was already done. Secondly, when Meitei goons ransacked Kuki houses in Imphal, what was shocking was the wanton loot of property including beds, mattresses and washing machines. While thieves are found in all societies, the country saw
a different side of the Meitei community when even respectable looking mothers were carrying looted goods in ‘thelas’. Rape cases and naked parading by the most loathsome youths is sometimes seen from some North Indian states. That a community, including respectable men and women would parade girls naked with men taking turns to grope them and rape them is unheard of in Northeast India. That women of a particular community would ask men to rape other women is the most filty, undetestable and nauseating actions that no community on earth has ever heard of.

While casualties do happen in war including non-combattants, the fact that a mentally-challenged woman who wasn’t even aware what was happening was murdered in the heart of Imphal speaks for itself what kind of society Imphal valley has become! With what face will Meitei women ever face the people of India when they complain of Indian Army’s atrocities upon their women? That the community tried to harm who ever spoke up some sane words from within is a testament of a society that is falling apart. In the last 5 years, there was not even one Meitei intellectual to speak some sane words and highlight counter-narrative historical truths even as a depiscable politician was spewing venom.It shows the intellectual poverty of a community that claim a Thousand Year Civilisation. One day, this war will end but pity the men who have to grow up in such a society where narratives are changed every day like one changes clothes, where the ‘Head’ lies and the ‘Hands’ shake machete, where the dead counts are hidden,where the affluent and high class incites the peripheral ‘lowlies’ to war, where women bares their all in the forefront to hide the ‘effeminateness’ of their men, where lying is worshipped and beheading is trumpeted! Thank God, I wouldn’t have to live in such a society, and i know that deep down, those Meiteis still holding on to their still small conscience would be ashamed of what has happened to their proud Civilisation. What their forefathers built for a thousand year is brought to ruin by someone from within whose hunger of power might shame the Burmese invaders of 1819! Such a man is a curse for any community, and his worshippers are the greatest enemy of their own kind.

The tribe that they sought to eliminate ‘came out’ of the jungles just a 100 year ago! Yet, they have showed resilence, their speeches more genuine, with their women herding together to give safe-paasge for Meiteis in Lamka and their men releasing 6 men that lost their way in Khamenlok! They didn’t rape for it has not crossed their mind. That’s what the ‘Light’ has done to change such head-hunting ‘savages’ to. Where a Thousand Year Civilisation crumbled and acted with much savagery, a Hundred Year of the Good News has shone bright and showed much war-ethic even as they manned their defense line ! A Civilisation based on lie, deciet and hatred will not stand. Only the Truth shall set us free and a Civilisation based on its tenets will surely prosper.

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