Posted on August 7, 2024  — 


Khongsai Veng, I miss my home,
Where childhood dreams would freely roam,
Our humble house, our loving nest,
The place where life felt truly blessed.

But now I wonder, with a heavy heart,
What have they done, those torn apart?
The unkind hands that wrecked our peace,
Left scars that seem to never cease.

Our puppy Shimbo, where does he roam?
Does he still guard our once-happy home?
His wagging tail, his joyful bark,
Are memories now, a glowing spark.

"Son, why dwell on what's behind?
In the past, no peace you'll find.
God has saved us, brought us through,
From that dark day in May, we grew.

With hearts that beat, with breath anew,
He'll guide us to what's right and true.
Our home may change, but we remain,
Bound by love through joy and pain.

Why linger in sorrow, in shadows deep?
Let gratitude within us seep.
For every tear that we have shed,
Let faith in God replace our dread.

Pray for our kin, for a separate place,
Where Kuki people can thrive with grace.
In faith and hope, we'll pave the way,
For brighter dawns, for better days.

He will guide us, strong and free,
To the life that's meant to be.
In every trial, in every strife,
Trust in God, embrace new life."

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