Posted on February 27, 2024  — 


When I closed my eyes and entered the gates of imagination,
Reels of thought processes began to play in my mind - scene by scene,
Like Pharaoh's dream, it's crystal clear.

It took me to a hundred winters from now,
Where our great-grandchildren are tortured and
Treated inhumanely by the valley's people.
They are humiliated on their way to school,
In public places - parks, malls, and restaurants.

They are too ashamed of being who they are.
In tears, they talk to one another -
"Had our forebears been more united, wise, and brave,
And won the war before the hundred winters fall,
We wouldn't be in this pathetic life, in our own land."

I watch and watch all that happens,
As it's unbearable, I shout to -
The valley men who scorn our progeny,
Then, suddenly I awake from my deep sleep,
With full anger, still clenching my fists.

For many, this is just a dream, indifferent to them,
But for me, this is a vision of after-effects,
If we lose this fight, how will we be treated?
Imagine, even now, if they call us - sons of slaves,
How will they treat and call us after a hundred winters?!

My people, let's set aside all our egos and differences,
Be focused, and use our utmost logic and ingenuity,
For this is the time to unite and fight the war
With all our might in order to win it.
Otherwise, our children will face all humiliations.

Today, let's well learn from history that
No divided nation has ever won a war,
Let's again reconcile and forgive one another,
So that our children will not live in disgrace,
But with pride in a hundred winters from now.

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