Posted on October 13, 2023  — 

In lands of yore

In lands of yore, a tribe did rise, Their voices strong, beneath the skies, 'Gainst tyranny, they took their stand, Fighting for their rights, their homeland.

A noble quest, in classic guise, To break the chains, to reach the skies, Injustice reigned, the tribe did mourn, But unity and hope were born.

With banners raised, in resolute might, They faced the day, they faced the night, A David 'gainst a Goliath foe, Their spirits fierce, their courage aglow.

The majority, with power and sway, Sought to keep the tribe at bay, Yet within each heart, a fire burned, For freedom, justice, they yearned.

In eloquence, their pleas they wove, their passions strove, To win the minds of those unswayed, To join their cause, in the light of day.

Though battles fierce, they did endure, Their love for freedom remained pure, their voices rung, As they fought the fight, when the world was young.

With valor, they stood, unwavering, bold, In tales of old, their story told, A tribe that rose against the tide, their fight won't hide.

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