Posted on July 29, 2024  — 


Justice, a treasure beyond measure,
For the weak, a beacon to treasure.
A concept exploited by the strong,
A currency wielded all day long.

To the powerful, a tool to maintain,
Their grip on the world, their reign.
A means to silence, to oppress,
To keep the marginalized in distress.

But to mediators, a hollow sound,
A mere word, devoid of meaning found.
A phrase to placate, to calm the air,
As they broker deals, without a care:

Yet still we seek it, this elusive dream,
This fair and equal theme.
For in its pursuit, we find our strength,
Our voices raised, our hearts at length.

So let us hold on to this noble quest,
This vision of justice, and do our best.
For in its light, we'll find our way,
And a brighter tomorrow, come what may

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