Posted on October 4, 2023  — 

Kuki-Zo People’s Resilience Must Shine Amidst Challenges and Threats

Since May 3rd, the Meiteis have subjected us to unimaginable horrors: killings, rapes, property destruction, and forced displacement from the state capital, Imphal. Manipur, once a diverse home to three distinct groups—the Meiteis, Nagas, and Kukis—now finds the Kuki-Zo people estranged from its fold. Geographically, this separation is complete, but the Indian state must officially recognize Kuki Hills as an independent entity separate from Manipur.

Our journey toward separate administration for the Kuki-Zo people has come at a great cost. Countless brothers and sisters have sacrificed their lives. Our dignity was stripped away when Meira Paibis delivered us into the hands of Meitei men, subjecting us to rape, and when hundreds of Meitei youths shamelessly paraded us, violated our modesty, and assaulted us in full view of the world. We were brutally killed—lynched, burnt, shot, stoned, hacked, and even thrown into rivers. They flaunted our decapitated heads as symbols of their victory over our fallen bodies. Yet, in the place of our martyrs, new heroes have arisen. They may beat us, but they cannot defeat us. We may falter, but we shall never be defeated. Our spirits remain unbreakable.

Many of our brave brothers and sisters took up arms to defend our land and identity. They stood watch at the borders, keeping a vigilant eye on the enemy’s movements, ready to lay down their lives if necessary. Others took to social media tirelessly, countering the Meiteis’ relentless lies. The Meiteis have no qualms about spreading falsehoods, and with their significant presence on social media, the sheer volume of lies generated is staggering. Our social media warriors may be weary, but they never surrender.

Our intellectual champions, who play a pivotal role in countering Meiteis’ narratives, have been unfairly targeted with FIRs. Efforts are being made to silence us, a loss that would be devastating for the Kuki-Zo people. We rely on our intellect and wisdom, which we must never yield to the Meiteis’ legal manoeuvres. Our diminishing presence in the national media threatens to sink our ship slowly. We implore you to lead our vessel and steer us away from the Meiteis toward a politically separate administration. Your silence resonates deafeningly, bringing joy to our adversaries.

Reflecting on the past five months, it warms my heart to realize that we are not alone in this arduous struggle. The Almighty God has bestowed upon us a network of individuals who empathize with our pain and suffering, standing beside us during these trying times. Despite the relentless onslaught by the Meiteis, their formidable state apparatus, and institutions, they have not succeeded in breaking our spirit or stifling the voices of those who support our cause. In fact, our ranks have only grown stronger, and our voices have grown louder in the face of their attempts to silence us.

Following the barrage of FIRs (First Information Reports) targeting our scholars and intellectuals, there is a noticeable decline in voices emerging from within the Kuki-Zo community. They have indeed intimidated us, cornered us, and coerced us into the shadows, leaving our people to face an uncertain fate. We have been driven to conceal our support for political separation from Manipur out of fear. Our careers, the well-being of our children, and the prospects of our lives appear bleak under the shadow of the Meiteis’ oppression. It is high time we shed our cocoon of fear and emerge as champions for our future, for our very survival.

We should be fearful, not of raising our voices, but of the questions our children may one day pose: “Why did you hide when the Meiteis sought to eliminate us? Why did you let fear dictate our actions? Why didn’t you stand up for our rights and our identity?” The Meiteis threaten to render us stateless and identity-less, and this prospect should instil in us a sense of urgency. We should be fearful of a future where our existence holds no value under Meitei rule. We should be fearful that our demands may go unmet.

It is now the time to leave no stone unturned in our fight for survival. Victory in this battle guarantees our future, ensuring that the children of Kuki-Zo inherit a world of peace and opportunity. If we falter, if we allow the Meiteis to prevail, we risk being stripped of our very essence and identity. Our future beckons us to wage this war without hesitation, so that the children of Kuki-Zo may lead lives filled with promise and tranquility.

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