Posted on October 14, 2023  — 

Lie is Associated with Meiteis; the Lying Sangai Express Exposed

There is a saying that goes, “Meitei Hayeng,” which literally translates into English as “Meitei’s Tomorrow”, a phrase commonly used in Meitei Kangleipak for centuries to indicate their habitual lying connotation. As the saying goes, lie is associated with Meiteis. From top of their leaderships to the bottom, the Meiteis spread lies after lies, apparently maintaining the famous Nazi propaganda: “Repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth,” especially since the beginning of the genocide against Kuki-Zos on May 3, 2023.

In spreading wrong information, the Meitei media outlets are no exception. They are famous for indulging in “outright misrepresentation of facts,” thereby feeding the Meitei populace with false and bias information, deliberately distorting the truth in favour of one community and against the other community.

It is public knowledge by now that certain individuals within the Meitei community have been modifying the Indigenous Tribal Leaders’ Forum (ITLF)’s press statements, distorting the truth and spreading misinformation. What is even more concerning is that an Imphal-based newspaper namely, The Sangai Express, owned and published by Nishikanta Sapam, MLA from Keishamthong A/C, in this particular case, has been seen picking up the falsified press release and publishing it as factual news, without conducting the necessary due diligence that is expected from media houses and journalists to do.

In October 11 issue of the newspaper, the Sangai Express reported a news story in the front page under the headline - “After Thangjing to Thangting: Change of names to Kukinise Moreh comes to the fore,” wherein the alleged ITLF press statement was mentioned, which turned out to be a fake press release created mischievously by the Meitei themselves. No wonder, the largest circulating newspaper in the State, The Sangai Express had to stoop so low as to spread Meitei lies.

Regarding name changes, there are many locations, places or buildings, owned or inhabited by the Kuki-Zo people before May violence in Imphal, now changed into the Meiteis’ favourable names. For instances, Paite Veng is now changed into “Kwakeithel Ningthemkol”, Vishal Mega Mart building in Chingmeirong is now changed into “Emoinu Complex”, and many others.

It is to be noted that the names Lamka, Songpi, Tuithaphai, etc., are the indigenous tribals’ calling names for Churchandpur district since ages, even before the Meitei king, Churachand, came into this World. “Thangting” too is the name called by the indigenous Kuki-Zo for the Hill top since ages.

This constant spreading of lies and propaganda by the valley-based media outlets thus vindicated the Fact-Finding Report of the Editors’ Guild of India (EGI). It served to confirm the findings of the EGI which have shed light on the unethical practices employed by Meitei newspapers/electronic media such as Sangai Express, Imphal Free Press, HY News, Imphal Times, ISTV, Impact TV, News 18 and many others. These publications have been known to concoct stories, engage in one-sided reporting, and promote a divisive and communal agenda.

The implications of such reportages are far-reaching and deeply concerning. The press, often referred to as the fourth pillar of India’s democracy, plays a crucial role in upholding the principles of transparency, accountability, and truth.

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