Posted on February 9, 2024  — 


The applause of the hands that looted
Thousands of arms and lakhs of ammunitions
Echoed in the streets of Imphal valley
Justifying their actions as a means to an end.
But, little they know, it's self-sabotaging.

The wise said, once ye hold a gun,
Ye'll be its prisoner for a lifetime.
It'll never end nor forsake ye.
Ye'll dance and sleep with it,
But soon, ye'll curse the day you've met.

Ye said, now, ye use it for protecting your people,
But very soon, the looted gun's barrel will point towards
The people whom ye once loved and protected.
Then, there'd be a civil war as guns are in every home.
And, no man 'll e'er condone another man's treat.

As the Bible says, live by the sword, die by the sword.
Guns in ye hands will take the lives of ye friends.
Good friends whom ye dined with will shoot ye,
With the very guns ye once looted with them,
Whom ye laughed with, while attacking Hills people.

After tomorrow, Tonsing and his mother 'll judge ye all,
As ye glorified yourselves taking lives of innocents.
They'll ask ye - 'where is ye honour in killing us?'
Only then, the hands that ye once lauded for looted arms,
Will be cursed by the whole world, evermore by y'all.

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