Posted on January 22, 2024  — 

Manipur is Now Triumvirate Turf viz :Arambai Tenggol, the Think Tank and Meira Paibis, India's PM Modi is No Longer the Most Powerful Man in Manipur

Name any heinous crime you can think of. It would be a surprise if it has not been committed against the Kukis by the Meiteis spearheaded by Arambai Tenggol with the help of Manipur Meitei police. Almost every cruel crime since the advent of humanity has been committed against the Kuki-Zo, but our Prime Minister can be seen observing a Maun Vrat until yesterday. It was however believed, by the Kuki-Zo, to be a strategy on his part to talk less but Work Hard. But his post on X yesterday, on the occasion of Manipur Statehood Day took us by surprise.

Our PM, described as the most popular leader in the world according to a weekly survey by Morning Consult, is coerced to become, despite his intention, to be an insensitive, idiot, ignorant and apathetic man by his social media team when without proper research and understanding of the present situation of Manipur posted a tweet on X wishing Manipur on its Statehood Day and praised its Art and Culture. One cannot help but wonder if they let him praise the gun loot culture, rape, Murder, and humiliation of our armed forces, racial discrimination, ethnic cleansing and human rights violations to name a few. Manipur is now known for the above issues today. So, is he wishing the people of Manipur for the continuous development on its path of being the most dangerous state in India? They make our PM look like a Clown in the circus. Then again, they must have been a victim of half-baked lies fueled by the Propaganda of Mr Biren like many others.

As a proud Indian who knew every tweet from his X handle are taken as his belief and ideology, we took the humiliation personally as well, thus we believe it is our duty to update him on the ground reality of Manipur. The time has come for him to stop being Biren’s slave and save the integrity and sovereignty of India. If it is A Little Too Late, he will be remembered as a Prime Minister who got fooled by one of his own party’s State Chief Minister and lost significant territory for India.

Tacitly it is now the Triumvirate Rule in Manipur:
Learning from History playbook, The triumvirate discreetly established an autonomy synonymous to an independent country but tacitly. India isn’t foreign to the dirty politics of a Provincial Government asserting an autonomy blindsiding the Government in Delhi. This triumvirate consists of Arambai Tenggol, a Think-Tank group whose members include Biren Singh, the Maharaja of Manipur cum Rajya sabha MP of Manipur Leishembam Sanajaoba, Pramod Singh etc, and Meira Paibis.

Arambai Tenggol is responsible for waging war against the minority Kuki-Zo community, for the Kukis represent a perfect victim, their fight against colonial rule during the Anglo-Kuki War, our numbers today in the Indian Army in proportion to our population to defend and protect the country, we represent India and its sovereignty, an attack on us is seen by them as an attack on Indian Sovereignty as well and the population of our tribes in Myanmar is a bonus point for them to defame us as illegal immigrants. They are also responsible for ruling the state with fear and terror of other minorities as well by engaging in crimes like kidnapping, murder and violence.

Biren’s main responsibility is to deceive the Central Government with the ground reality in Manipur , enhance their propaganda to the central power, requesting help from the central government both in finance and military prowess when Arambai Tenggol is vulnerable, amassing the state taxes for Arambai Tenggol’s warfare, and controlling the state and central employees on the behest of the triumvirate. They both viz Arambai Tenggol and meira paibis in turn help him when his position as the CM is under threat.

Meira Paibi’s main responsibility is to control central military forces, rescue Meitei criminals from the same forces, prohibit central agencies from performing their duties on such matters that could harm the triumvirate and meitei populace’s interest, perform the scripted drama to and along with state police whenever compelled to arrest Arambai Tenggol members and other terrorist outfit belonging to Meitei community, moral policing and to exercise the role of Khap Panchayat on critics of the triumvirate.

Biren is the De-jury head of both the executive and legislature. Arambai Tenggols holds the real power. Arambai Tenggol in turn took the aid and advice of the other partners viz the Think-Tank and Meira Paibis before any decision. The consensual decision is published and declared in the name of Arambai Tenggol. Meitei supremacy and racial discrimination against the Kuki-Zo are promoted by Meitei employees from all government departments.

It works with the principle that so long as you are Meitei, you are innocent. In the new Kangleipak aka old Manipur, the arrest of Meitei rapists is seen as a murder of justice but the release of Meitei criminals arrested under UAPA for possession of illegal sophisticated weapons is seen as a victory of justice. One can go viral with proof of his murder like a head he butchered off, but the judiciary will turn a blind eye to it so long as he or she is a meitei. The judiciary system is however misused against the Kuki-Zo.

Apart from Kuki, Indians from other mainland States of India are the vulnerable victims of the triumvirate. They could be physically assaulted anytime by any members of the Meitei community who would walk free of police charges, and they are also victims of money extortion from Arambai Punggol and other Meitei militant/ terrorist outfits. Kidnapping and ransom against other minorities is a common phenomena. Murder for non-compliance against the Whims and fancies of Arambai Tenggol is the New Normal.

It is an adapted version of North Korea’s national media with a change in character where South Korea and the USA are substituted by the Kuki and the central government respectively.

Art and culture:
Tapta who sang demeaning and defamatory songs against the Kukis, the Central Government, and central forces. The lewd and derogatory lyrics against Kuki-Zo women were hailed as a patriotic song by the Meitei public. Meitei stars like Bala Hijam, Soma Laishram and others propagated and promoted the songs on their social media accounts.

External affairs and PR mechanism:
Now that they managed to control the 3 organs of the state, to ensure that there exist no disruptions in the consolidation process of the triumvirate in the Re-establishment of Kangleipak and conceal their real intention of waging the war against the Kukis, they created a team of PR who divided among themselves into 3 different groups, each with different assigned task but with the same goal, to create a mirage so as to conceal their real aspirations until Kangleipak is fully consolidated. One section is given the role of propagating the theory that Hindu Meitei faces an existential crisis in Manipur and Kuki-zo are illegal immigrants who engage in Narco-Terrorism against other Hindu extremist groups. To knock on the doors of various central government departments and ministries with baseless allegations, complaints and theories to create headlines in the media. The likes of Mahesh Thounaojam are in charge of this team.

Organisations like COCOMI and individuals like Licypriya Kangujam, a self acclaimed climate activist, represent them at UN conferences and the other international stages.

Last but not least, Bina Lakshmi Nepram, Bimol Akoijam and others are in charge of defending the act of indefensible Arambai Tenggol’s heinous crimes and the nexus between Arambai Tenggol, the state government and the Meira Paibis for waging an ethnic cleansing pogrom against the Kukis in various national media through their lies. They shamelessly defend the cruel beheading and dismembering of bodies as proof of them being tribals to the National media. They stoop to a level this low, all for Meitei interest.

Source of revenue:
Funds from the Indian government, taxation of taxes on the state list outside GST, crowd funding, extortion from mainland Indians working in Manipur and other minorities, and ransom from kidnapping.

The national flag of Kangleipak:
The Salai - Taret flag.

The proof for all the above points is readily available online. The Prime Minister can give them the benefit of doubt and conduct a research himself.

Since the Triumvirate era begins, the trajectory of our prime minister’s popularity and influence in the state have been deflating harder than the Adani Stock Market Crash due to the Hindenburg report. Manipur is now Triumvirate Turf, where the influencing power of The triumvirate and restricted access of the Central Government Agencies in the valley districts is comparable to the Forbidden City of Beijing.
Thus, as Indians , although we are his responsiblility and have the right to be heard as well, since the situation in Manipur is so dire, that one can no longer distinguish who is a state force personnel and who is not, as the state’s official police uniform, it’s weapons and vehicles became the property of Triumvirate, we ask ourselves, Do we want to lose another PM in the assassination? Since the answer is No. We request the Prime Minister to stay safe in Delhi but listen to what our representatives have to say. It is our prayer to him to be enlightened on the ground reality of Manipur and understand Mr Biren for what a sly and dangerous person he truly is to India’s integrity and sovereignty.

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