Posted on May 3, 2024  — 


Fresh breath of air, a pleasant day Greetings of joy, amiable neighbour. Boon companion, laughter replay. Hostility, as such was not bargained for May became Mayday!

Hot war came, unheralded Swarms of mob induce terror Throngs the night with horror. Amidst the trepidation, they accolade: Women paraded naked, a head butchered A body crumbled May became Mayday!

A whole year elapsed, unaided Panic amidst the crowd, rings the same. Sorry state of affairs untamed Between the haves and have nots. May became Mayday!

Our condolences to the bereaved family. Our heartfelt gratitude to the VV. May the departed souls Rest In Peace May became Mayday!


Note: 3rd May, 2023 starts off amazing. Going to school, enjoying with friends, greeting the neighbours, even shared some quality time with the now foe but everything escalated some hours later and now we’ve come to a Year of unrest.

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