Posted on December 24, 2023  — 

Mayly Christmas

I saw my beloved at home,
Waved at him as we both smiled
The next moment i saw him preyed,
And came a sudden gloomy air,
Through the smog i could blurry see,
My beloved slayed by dark shadows.
Scorched upon my heart
I saw his eyes filled with words and pain
With tears of blood and loud silent screams,
Then the alarm rang.

Digging into my mind as I woke,
Murderous rage traverses my veins
As darkness encompass my gait,
So this is how a family feels.
The moon our witness, the stars will agree,
Question why the sun still arises
Where each echo of life that once lingered
Has been driven away by greedy monsters.

Time passes by and we try to move on
Until otherwise we hurt and loss again.
Then as the tears come
so did the sense of dejavu,
we'd been here before.
The wounds we bear, the scars engraved
Memories, like wisps of smoke
Drifting in and out of mind,
Both the good and bad echoes.

Oh Noel season here,
Memories of laughter and joy
Of love that felt so true
Of moments that we shared with those,
Whom we bid a fond adieu.
Dejavu encores however contrasted now,
With memories of griefs and loss,
All the tears and unsaid goodbyes
The stories and traumas we hold,
This time a Mayly Christmas.

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