Posted on November 12, 2023  — 


If the ink of your pen adds nothing to peace
Spreading hateful propaganda your masterpiece
What you write only serves passages of abominations
And only talks about hostilities and detestations
Scribbling without any room for dialogue and progress
Becoming the artist in the construction of the liars’ fortress
Your autograph only results in chaos and division
Or your stamp only creates mayhem and confusion
Your sword only points towards your neighbors
Content with the deceiving applause of transgressors
Serving your family and your nation without humanity
Hating other’s and living without altruism and generosity
Pen and sword as they say are equally mightless
If they only harm and inflict pain on the powerless.

If your knowledge rejects calmness and tranquility
Welcoming the evil intention of violence and ferocity
Destroying the conscience and ethics of humankind
Nothing but hate and hatred colonizing your mind
Your intellectuality only functions in the areas of hostility
And your brain only works in the agendas of animosity
Scared and afraid to speak out what you actually believe
Fearing exclusion from your own because you wanna live
Misusing your potentiality and authority tyrannically
Unruly & lowering your standards behaving inhumanly
When your academic qualifications mismatch your characters
Not walking in the path of wisdom and sagacity that matters
And when you laughed at and joked at people weeping and crying
That is when your educational certificates are decaying and dying.

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