Posted on November 7, 2023  — 


O David, the giants slew you…. wasn’t it supposed to be otherwise?
Heaven has other plans…
for when he severed your head, he chopped off their humanity;
yours to be no more a part in this barbaric and inhumane world.
But will your soul ever be at peace?
Oh how your soul must've still wept when they mounted your mutilated visage upon spikes like a trophy or spoils of war.
Did your soul overcome with horror and bitterness when they celebrated and took videos of your defilement?
or did you even wish to sacrifice your head to be displayed in their great museums for their children to see, a reminder of what great war they waged in the name of their Kangleipak?
And does your soul seek vengeance or a rebirth to claim your own justice?

We failed to protect you…

But if only you could still see how we shuddered
and wept as our bones chilled to the core.
Your memory is our armor now; your story stirs passion and evoke a patriotism never felt before; mothers pray more, hesitant legs march stronger, resolve ironclad.

Your earthly body may have passed but your spirit inspires.
Your blood seeps deep into our lands and has nurtured deep roots of oneness.
You have triumphed!
Your death is your victory, o Hmar pasaltha!
So go in peace now to Liendo and Sura and our forefathers, o bravest son of Chin-Kuki-Mizo-Zomi- Hmar soil.
Just wait for us upon the shores of Zion where you will be whole again.

Your memory and name will bring shudders and forever haunt them….
and in that O David, you will have slain your giants.

On behalf of everyone of us,

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