Posted on November 11, 2023  — 


When the King wishes men are skinned alive;
Lawmakers openly bats for genocide;
Innocents feared Policemen with certain death;
Oaths are honored based on race and ethnicity;
All but to save a dying civilization!

When intellectuals justify gore and violence;
Journalists peddle lies and brainwashed innocents;
Artistes sang for death and destruction;
Influencers become beacons of darkness;
That’s the continuing legacy of a dying civilization!

When women insist men rape the other women;
Justifies parading the other women naked;
Denies its men love, peace and acceptance;
But send her sons to kill others’ sons;
It’s but the essence of Imas in a dying civilization!

When leaders built careers through hate, not love;
Individuals scale higher by hating the other;
Convicts get pardoned by hating enough the other;
Hating any value of the other is thought patriotic;
It’s but the nature of othering in dying civilization!

When integrity is all about land, not with people;
History doesn’t find its voice, abandoned with agony;
Brotherhood and coexistence is viewed suspiciously;
Peace is seen as a threat to life and civilization itself;
It’s all but a sign of a dying civilization!

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