Posted on February 14, 2024  — 


In the heart of the village, where spirits roam,
Stands TAHCHAPA, a beacon, a guiding home,
With hands of kindness and eyes that gleam,
He weaves through the village, like a flowing stream.

In the silent paths, where whispers hide,
TAHCHAPA walks with humility, side by side,
His presence a comfort, a solace deep,
In every corner of the village, stories abound.

With laughter shared and burden light,
He walks with grace, through day and night,
His wisdom deep, his heart shining,
TAHCHAPA’S spirit, a gentle, steady flow.

Through fields of green and skies of blue,
He nurtures the village, both old and new,
In his footsteps, hope takes journey,
Guiding the village towards the light.

Oh, TAHCHAPA, Village Volunteer great,
In your embrace, the village’s dreams align,
With every act, with every prayer,
You’re the soul of the village, ever just.

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