Posted on July 26, 2024  — 


Oh God, our refuge and our strength,
We cry out to you in this hour of length,
For peace and stability, we humbly pray,
For an end to violence and a brighter day.

Under the Meitei regime, we suffer and bleed,
Ethnic violence rages, our people are in need,
Of a safe haven, a place to call our own,
Where we can live without fear, and our culture can be known.

We pray for separate administration, a chance to govern ourselves,
To manage our own affairs, and our future to unfold,
Free from oppression, and the shackles of pain,
We yearn for autonomy, and an end to this endless strain.

Oh God, our Savior, we trust in your might,
To deliver us from this darkness, and bring us into your light,
May your love and grace abound,
And fill our hearts with hope, and our souls with peace that's profound.

Unite our hearts, and minds, we pray,
And guide us towards a future that's bright and fair,
Where we can live in harmony, and our children can grow,
In a land that's free from violence, and our culture can glow.

We pray for wisdom for our leaders,
To seek your will, and your ways, and to lead us to a brighter day,
And may our land be filled with your goodness, and your love that's true,
And may we live in peace, and our people flourish anew.

Oh God, our Father, we trust in your promise, that you will bring us through the flame,
And into a land of peace, and stability, and rest,
Where we can live and thrive, and our people be blessed.
We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

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