Posted on October 3, 2023  — 


It was June, It was a silent summer end, Bullets hieved through the paddyfields, Demons of Lust on one end, Brave sons of the hills on the other. And in the middle-the scornful heat. Injustice hid behind the peach tree upon the Last hill, as it watched the rain come down.

The men began to grow weary, Their hopes were wilting And so was our wails, Yet our prayers stood firm in faith.

Summer passed and so did Justice, Fall approached and so did Injustice. It was now September, It was now enough time for Closure, for Dialogue, for Justice, Yet none of them found their way to our graveyards.

The pioneers of hate held onto Injustice, We held onto Resilience. The instruments of evil marked us out with blasphemous aggression, We marked aggression with profound Solidarity.

Justice was burnt along with Tonsing in his ambulance, Justice was beheaded alongside David Thek Justice was paraded naked alongside the rough county road of B. Phainom. Justice lay dead and decaying amongst the bodies of our fallen soldiers.

Justice was all but a mere whiff for us.

All that's left now is the grim shadow of Injustice. So when Injustice came in the form of Selective outrage, When Injustice rode on the rough edges of corruption, When Injustice mirrored selective Justice When Injustice murdered the Judiciary, Resistance and Resilience became our duty.

All that's left of us now, is what was once was and what will always be- Ourselves. October the 3rd, 2023 It is a ceremonious fall day, I think forward, Scattering long and wild across the entangled webs of evil, Dissolving into grace, Along the reaches of heinous crockery, light comes my way Light from the eyes of my brothers fetching water from the eastern well, Light from the smile of my grandma counting the tales of her scars, Light from the sound of the firm clutches of my sisters' barrel. Justice may have failed them, for now But I shall not, Justice may have forgotten their names but I shall never.

The demons of the valley may shut Justice out for now, But My God sees, The demons of the valley may employ rigorous intrigues for now, But My God is Greater. Injustice may loom large for now, Justice may forsake us, But History shall remember; All our names, all our tears and all our cries.

October will pass and we will still be here, So bring on the calvary! Bring on the flutes, Bring it on.

We may fall a hundred times, but we will rise a thousand more. We may crumble, but we will rebuild.


Its now Our 5th Month into this and times have been as trying as ever, A hundred and fifty days on the tip of our toes Yet the Lord renews our strength and we shall continue to soar on wings like eagles!

Be it another 5 days, 5 weeks or 5 months, we shall run and not grow weary (Isaiah 40:31)

Injustice is all but a shadow of the abomination that is to come their way, Injustice will be the unfolding of their wrath. And while we go to rest for another 3rd May we awaken with hope, the hope that comes with each new morning; The hope that we have stitched together into Profound Solidarity.

Because all we have is ourselves, And because all a man has but himself in this world is his hope, And because Hope is the one golden string inside of us,

We must hope! Hope against all odds, against all logic! We must! For our vanity, we must! We have to!

For we stand, still! Through it all we stand, still!

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