Posted on December 14, 2023  — 

Psalm of the Fallen Heroes

The lingering dread of May still shadows our dreams,
Summer nights disrupted by sudden, chilling winds.
It forever emboldens us in our struggles,
The lives sacrificed, those they seized.

To our sisters and mothers,
A thousand hands will wipe away your tears,
We'll avenge your screams and ease your pains,
Covering your shame with a veneer of gold.

To our brothers,
The flames that consumed you sparked our armament,
The attempts to veil our sister's chastity and shame,
We'll shield our sisters and mothers.
And clothed them with the finest Saipikhup.
Our fallen heroes,
In myriad ways, you inspired us,
Tomorrow, the sun will shine.

For seven months,
Your bodies lay cold,
Your souls wept, yearning for justice.
Yet today, your homecoming Warms our hearts,
igniting our souls.
In power, you shall rest.
The gong of victory beats for you
The salute of thousand guns is fired

Your battles, we shall carry on,
Your cries, we'll answer with justice.
You brought not only rain but also the rainbow,
For our ancestors have welcomed you,
With honor, pride, in our ancestral land
This marks the first of many steps Towards a land for the Kukis,
Towards separate Administration, we shall march.

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