Posted on September 6, 2024  — 

Recommended Strategies for Kuki Zo: Step Up, March Forward

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more. - Louis L’Amour”

We must step up and triple our efforts for our demand for Union Territory (With Legislature) under Article 239A with renewed persistence, determination and indomitable spirit. We must persist, persevere and be more consistent with our peaceful movement. We must set up action plans, strategies which include those elaborated below and march forward till the battle is won.

Self-governance is our fundamental right and like any distinct community, the Kuki Zo people deserve to exercise our right. We have struggled and continue to contribute to the country’s rich cultural tapestry and deserve the right to govern ourselves as a robust, contributing community for growth and development of our region and of the country.

Let us consider the following as we move forward with revitalized faith to create a resounding impact:

  1. Function as a strong united front: Strengthen ourselves and shape our leadership as a united force i.e. SoO, MLAs, Inpis, Tribes, Students, Human right groups, CSO, CBOs work in tandem, working unitedly as an efficient and effective front. They are the groups that’s at the apex spearheading our peaceful collective political demand.
  2. Step up and increase awareness campaigns: Educate the people about the need and how crucial is Union Territory for a permanent solution, peace, growth and development.
  3. Create ambassadors to engage in diplomatic efforts with government officials and politicians : Select groups e.g. currently serving bureaucrats, retired officials as teams of ambassadors to engage with central and state government officials to present your case and build support in the state they reside.
  4. Lobby with political parties: Our MLAs must meet the North East MPs, Christian MPs, Tribal MPs, Leaders of I.N.D.I.A and the Leader of the Opposition of the Government of India (LoP),and all political parties, seeking their support for our constitutional rights, justice and our demand for Union Territory under Article 239A of the Constitution of India. Action plans must be made e.g. All our MLAs, must make a schedule within September 2024 to reach out to all the Honorable MPs from the North Eastern States and present memorandum for support with our publications on the ethnic cleansing Viz. Manipur Mayhem, Inevitable Split series, Important documents and audio vissuals and etc. In October 2024 schedule plans to each out to all Christian MPs. In November 2024 teach out to all Tribal MPs and in December 2024 to meet the leaders of I.N.D.I.A and finally to the Leader of the Opposition. We must reach out also to leaders of the RSS and accessible BJP MPs. This will result in increased awareness, boost our efforts and generate support from leaders at the national level. This is crucial to garner support our rights and our legitimate demand for Union Territory under the provisions of the Constitutions of India
  5. Step up the mass movements: CSOs must plan peaceful protests, rallies, and demonstrations to draw attention to our demand. Organizations such as ITLF, COTU, HTC etc. and NGOs, CBOS, Human rights groups, Students groups must make calendar of regular activities plan on monthly or on quarterly basis. Activities for every month which may be rally, candle light vigil, marches, concerts, cultural events, innovative awareness programs and activities designed to increase national and international attention towards our cause. The monthly activity plan that could be taken up could be as follows. The 1st week by ITLF and local groups, the 2nd week carry forward by COTU, the 3rd week by HTC and so on. The 4th week of each month may be declared as a Week of Prayer to be led by Churches Associations and groups. Special prayers be dedicated as Mass Prayer Day locally, nationally and even globally. A special Prayer Hour may be mooted where all the community members wherever they are set the same time for prayer and thanksgiving. A special specific mass prayer for Union Territory may also be organized on the 4th week of the month until victory is won.
  6. Step up media, social media leverage: We have been subjected to a barrage of attack by the state’s well-oiled, well-structured media narrative. It is time for the media and publicity activists to be proactive and create our narrative, not just deflect media attacks. Media houses must be selectively interviewing and creating awareness and generate a strong movement with renewed vigor. We need to further leverage social media and traditional media to spread awareness. Kudos to the twitter warriors, the journalists, leaders who speak eloquently and bravely to the national media, the publications with professional acumen such as the group of young writers, e.g. Thingkho Le Malcha (TLM), Fieldnotes and compilers of the books on the ethnic cleansing. We also need to constitute a narrative that is not only reactive but that makes out a case of systematic discrimination of the Kuki-Zo over decades, the fact that we are as indigenous as any other community in Manipur, the misuse of forest acts etc.
  7. Step up relationships with other communities: We must build bridges, strengthen alliances with other communities and organizations, stakeholders, neighboring states that will support our demand. Our leaders from the Inpi, Presidential Council, Tribe leaders, former MLAs, MPs, Chiefs of Villages must take up building stronger relationships with other communities. The overwhelming support of brethren in Mizoram, and the brave leaders in neighboring states such as visionary Joel Naga from Nagaland, who without prejudice and broad outlook for humanity spoke boldly for justice and lasting solution.
  8. Sustenance of movement by pooling our resources: What is key to attain our aspiration and protect our interest is to sustain the movement, not just sporadic outburst of emotions and sentiments but a well thought out strategies. To sustain and cement all our heartfelt pain, sufferings, the humongous injustice inflicted upon us. We need to remain determined, focused on vital issues and set priorities. To ensure this we need to mobilize resources with impeccable transparency and accountability for long term sustenance. We need to graduate to thinking of ourselves as a self-administered territory with a revenue base, expenditure management, transparency, auditing and accountability, and a banking system that caters for the needs of all our citizens – farming, other livelihoods (self-employment, SHGs, thrift societies, cooperatives), infrastructure development Viz.roads, bridges, irrigation, environmental management, social development. Work on establishing a centralized account for governance under which we can create funds and banks for farming and allied activities, educational, healthcare, arts, crafts and culture, infrastructure, entrepreneurship, environment and social development.
  9. Initiate, engage in constitutional and explore legal options: We must initiate legal steps and recourse, petitioning in court of law and initiate Public Interest Litigations (PILs) to further our cause. We need to pool our heads, document and prepare dossiers on all human rights violations, have a strategy for the courts of inquiries, courts at large and peoples’ tribunals (like PUCL), lobby rights and professional bodies, and approach international entities like Genocide Watch, UN Human rights mechanisms etc. The need to take up such serious initiatives in this direction is of utmost importance.
  10. Resolve persistence and patience: We must not weaver but we must be prepared for a long-term struggle and remain even more committed. We need to preserve our cultural heritage, seek inclusive development, continue to highlight and address historical injustice meted out to us. Our efforts are to empower, we the oppressed and marginalized voices as well as others. All that we do is geared to strengthen democratic principles of the land.
  11. Acknowledge and celebrate milestones: We must memorialize all the mile stones and acknowledge progress we have make since the beginning as‘ Ethnic Cleansing Day – 3rd of May 2023’ . We need to celebrate the progress we make along the way and inspire and motivate ourselves on our movement towards self-governance.
  12. Maintaining Momentum: Putting into practice well-structured, precisely organized activities which must bear results and impact to maintain the momentum. We must not accept lukewarm, lackluster sporadic halfhearted attempts to expose or highlight the genocidal plans against us. We must sustain the movement through continued activism and not just maintain but speed up the momentum.
  13. International Media: We have made our presence at international level through our diaspora be it in the US, Canada, Israel, Australia, UK and we need to work with our people in those countries to encourage them to step up addressing our situation. We must coordinate with the leaders and activists to increase our presence and to international media to bring updates and the attention of their politicians and foreign ministries.
  14. International diplomatic lobbying: This is important and must be taken up at various levels. To start with we must select foreign missions in Delhi, primarily the West, Australia and others. We must draw up such a list based on political value. The same foreign missions can be lobbied in the Capitals and even in third countries by our diaspora.

Dr. Chinkholal Thangsing is a Physician, Politician & Philanthropist

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