Posted on March 13, 2024  — 

Reverbating Educational Sorrow

In Kuki’s hills, once serene,
Now echoes a sorrow, a tragic scene,
Where children yearn for knowledge's light,
But violence shrouds their days in blight.

In classrooms empty, desks lie bare,
Silenced by fear, by despair,
The laughter silenced, the silence loud,
As dreams are shattered, hopes are cowed.

Oh, lament the neglect, the pain,
Of education lost to violence's reign,
In Manipur's land, where hearts still weep,
For a future stolen, a promise to keep.

But in the shadows, a flicker remains,
A spark of hope, amidst the chains,
For in the darkest hour, courage will rise,
To defy the darkness, to reach for the skies.

Let voices ring, let actions speak,
To mend the wounds, the future seek,
For in the heart of Kuki hill's strife,
Lies the strength to rebuild a brighter life.

So stand together, hand in hand,
To heal the scars, to reclaim the land,
Where education blooms, like a flower untamed,
In Kuki hill's story, resilience proclaimed.

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