Posted on July 25, 2024  — 


In the crucible of conflict, where
shadows dance and death reigns, the
Kuki-Zo village volunteers stand tall,
their hearts aflame. With every breath,
they pledge to protect, serve, and
defend their community, kin, and land
until the bitter end.

Their sacrifice is a testament to their
strong and true convictions,
demonstrating a willingness to lay down
their lives for others. In the face of
tyranny, they stand firm, unyielding, and
unbowed; their spirit remains unbroken,
like the morning dew that gently flows.

Their responsibility is a mantle they
wear with honor and pride, a duty to
their people to safeguard and provide.
In the midst of chaos, the people remain
calm and at peace, thanks to the selfless
efforts of the Kuki-Zo village volunteers,
who are the calm in the storm, the
peace that passes all understanding.

Their selflessness is a beacon of hope in
a world torn apart and rent asunder.
Through the lens of their humanity, we
glimpse the divine, a reflection of our
shared essence that transcends tribe
and shrine.

The volunteers of Kuki-Zo village stand
tall, a shining example of sacrifice and
responsibility that echoes through it all.

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