A reign of terrors unleashed by the occupational Meitei forces on the innocent civilians of Moreh, a Kuki-Zo inhabited border town, has caused a distressing turn as the residents, mostly women and children, were compelled to leave their homes and sought refuge in the camps of Central security forces.
The consequence of the presence of the Meitei police commandos is the Kuki-Zos had to flee their homes.
The combing operation carried out by the security forces in the aftermath of the killing of one Meitei police officer seemed to have become another excuse to loot and plunder household properties, and to commit atrocities to the innocent civilians of the border hill-town. Women were not spared, they were harrased and tortured by the Meitei police commandos.
It was said that the Meitei Police commandos have vandalized several houses, vehicles, washing machines, TVs, and other household properties. They have also robbed money, gold necklaces and other jewelleries. In Govajang, the wife of the chief was beaten; blankets were also taken away with a warning that they would come again. The Police Commandos have also pointed their loaded guns at the women and tortured them.
The atrocities on the Kuki-Zo civilians resulted in the injury of three women including a minor - Hoijaneng Touthang (46y) W/o Ngamlun Kipgen, Nenghoithem kipgen (15) D/o Seithang kipgen, and Tinneichong Kipgen (33) W/o Seithang Kipgen.
Questions thus arise:
The atrocities and havoc done to the people of Moreh requires immediate intervention by the centre government; if not, the volatile situation in the border town and surrounding areas could escalate and the end result will be the sole responsibility of the Centre and State governments.
Thingkho Le Malcha (TLM) is a traditional method of communication used to send out messages across the Kuki hills during the Anglo-Kuki War,1917-1919... more
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