Posted on August 27, 2024  — 


Under starry skies, they stand watchful guard
Tahchanu brave hearts, with love and care unmarred
Protecting their people, through the dark of night
From harm's way, they shield with all their might

With vigilant eyes, they scan the shadows dark
Ever alert, they face the unknown spark
Their courage unwavering, like a beacon bright
Tahchanu on night duty, a true hero's sight

The wind whispers secrets, of the dangers near
But Tahchanu hearts, with valor unafraid appear
They face the challenges, with a steadfast gaze
Their love for their people, in every single way

Through the silence, they hear the cries of need
And swiftly respond, with a hero's speed
With every step, a story unfolds
Of bravery and honor, worth more than gold

Tahchanu on night duty, a shield to their own
A guardian of peace, in the darkness overthrown
Their selfless dedication, a guiding light
Shines bright in the night, a true delight

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