Posted on February 18, 2024  — 

“TAHCHANU”A Brave Village Mother

In a village nestled by hills high,
Lived TAHCHANU, with courage nigh,
A mother strong, with heart to bold,
Her tale of bravery, forever told.

When conflict’s dark clouds shown near,
TAHCHANU banished all her fear.
With decide secure, she stood tall,
Ready to answer the battles call.

Through fields of turmoil, she marched ahead,
With valour and strength, her path she led.
TAHCHANU voice a beacon, her eyes afire,
Guiding her people through riotous times.

Amidst the clash of weapons and strife,
TAHCHANU fought for her way of life.
Her love for kin, her village dear,
Fuelled her spirit, banishing fear.

Through wounds may mark her body and soul,
Her bravery and sacrifice make her whole.
A village mother, a warrior true,
TAHCHANU’s tale, forever anew.

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