Posted on July 19, 2024  — 


The tempest roars in distant skies:
Men aloof to the distant cries,
Nonchalant, bazillion heedless-
"Aporetic the gust befall thees"

Behold! Dust devils appears-plain as a pikestaff;
Still, gazillion stares but dis-affirm,
Near at hand, weighty and fortress-like
Aghast the trembling sound-the tempest roars.

The tempest roars in distant skies:
All regards the distant cries,
Stirred, depart to refuge clime-
To thwart the abrupt circs.

Behold! The tempest roars and nearer -
Though grueling-it wrecks and wreaks,
All now far beyond-out of harm.
The tempest roars in distant skies.

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