Posted on December 11, 2023  — 

The age of hatred

The love of human indifference,
The occupational choice where we no longer see humanity before race, religion, culture, and color.
The age and time where war is easier than peace,
The calculation of favours and the shadow of vulgarity.
It's scary; this age and time.

Children being bombarded,
Mothers being crippled,
Fathers being shelled,
And genocidal warnings being celebrated.
The faultline of humanity,
The ordeal crime of hatred is worse than any other.

I hear the cries of innocent blood piercing through the streets,
I see the monsters in suits of blacks and gray on TV Screens,
I watch the dark smoke-peddling machines tear apart warm homes,
I take my grief and weep at the corner of the lake,
Dying to forget the age of hatred,
Where regulations continue to turn morbid at the whisk of men in uniforms.
Where castles crumble around crimson hills.

I take my grief and run far behind, where love still exists,
in her loving arms- humanity weeps.
I walk through the graves of hardened bone,
And think back to the frozen spring before the war;
Where the solution to indifference was rather heated conversations over milk tea rather than industrial weapons of death.

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