Posted on May 2, 2024  — 


The curtains was lifted up in the hills of Manipur, When multitudes of Indians, young and old, Draw inspirations from their father's- 'Peaceful protest against the British tyranny!' Yet, they were cold bloodedly massacred by - The valley majority backed by police forces Like another Jallianwala Bagh's massacre!

In India, are bullets manufactured to silence its own citizens? Are police took oaths to gun down its own civilians? Are law & order to be enforced on favouritism basis? Are state machineries to be used only for the majority? Democracy has failed us totally by wearing a mask! Hidden behind the true face of a fascist leader, Blended in the camouflage of totalitarianism.

In the Hills, dark clouds covered the skies of our land, Even the sun hid itself behind those dark clouds, Too afraid to witness the atrocities of mortal men, Like avians waiting for their turns at butcher's hand, They were slaughtered one by one like chickens, The thoughts of only men would bee killed fails, Even Women and children were not spared at all!

I am afraid to say; Yet, I still have to say it- From the moment we were born into this world, We were all destined to die one day for sure, But, When, Where and How we will die, or Whether we will die in fire or water, or by bullets, Nobody, but God only knows; we used to say! Yet, here, we are more certain of our deaths than elsewhere.

In the Hills, young children who slept at ease in bed, Are awaked by the loud cries of their mothers, When they brought home their father's dead body! They knew not-Where, When and How he died Their tiny head are full of puzzles unsolved! They wondered why we adult killed each other! Who will explain them the truth in a plain language?

In the Valley, fathers who should have taught, Moralities, Ethics and values to their children, Held guns and swords in their hands stained with blood, Mothers who should have taught, How to respect, love and honour women to their sons, Gave away their neighbour's daughter to be raped! They sold away humanity against the price of barbarism!


(This piece is written in memoirs of those innocent souls of Kuki-Zo taken in the hands of the valley people and the victim's families, those whose houses were burnt, and those who were being displaced from their homes!)

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