Posted on December 17, 2023  — 

The Clarion Call

In the heart of Kuki Zo, a call resounds,
A plea for unity, that in harmony we may be found.
Let our voices sing with strength and pride,
United we stand, side by side.

Oh, sons and daughters of Kuki Zo,
Let us embrace our collective glow.
From green hills to valleys wide,
Let unity be our unwavering guide.

In diversity, our true strength lies,
Through our differences, our spirit does rise.
Like rivers that converge, our paths entwined,
Together we shall flourish, hand in hand aligned.

Oh Kuki Zo, land of vibrant cultures,
Let us bridge the gaps, binding our futures.
With respect, understanding, and peace,
May unity among us never cease.

All sister tribes, of the same blood
Let us break down walls and embrace solidarity.
For in our togetherness, we find our way,
A harmonious symphony, a brighter day.

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