I saw a ship sailed in deep dark-
ness, with no land in sight
No man of calibre to step forward and
hard the starboard the night
In this midst of chaos and confusion,-
came forth a beacon of light
A brave soul with steadfast resolve to
lead the endless fight
His is a story of sacrifice and allegiance to
his inheritance Ancestral land his birthright, he swerved
the board with swagger and cadence
Truth and wisdom is his mantle, he be-
witched the enemy in suspense
"All hands on deck" said he, as he led the
tribe to war in defence
Locked away in shackles,in prison wall
his dream confined
Yet he sigh no remorse for the will of
Mark will forever shine
Though bars may hold his body, his spirit
soars graceful and divine
In solitary he fights, for in his heart his
cause defined
So let us pay homage to Mark, for his
light rekindles the wavering heart
Like Moses in the wilderness, he hath
freed us from the dirt
Let us cherish this forgotten hero, whose
life is a marvel of art
Anywhere he may be, for there my
prayer will depart
Thingkho Le Malcha (TLM) is a traditional method of communication used to send out messages across the Kuki hills during the Anglo-Kuki War,1917-1919... more
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