The people who once fought hard to sets the Country free from the Britishers.
The people who fears none, standing brave and bold.
The people who once was known as a warrior.
The people who fought a war with KHANKHO in them.
“KUKI” we are named!
The people who deserve its own land yet forgotten long.
Today may seem dark!
Today we may be left with no rights to even get our education.
Today we may be hurt and sad.
Today we may be torn into pieces with a heartache.
Today we may be homeless.
Today we may be left forgotten.
But Tommorrow we will rise!
Tomorrow we will have our own land.
Tomorrow we will have our own freedom.
Tomorrow we will be unforgotten.
Today we still have our hope for tomorrow,
Because the God we have will make it happen when the time is right.
Thingkho Le Malcha (TLM) is a traditional method of communication used to send out messages across the Kuki hills during the Anglo-Kuki War,1917-1919... more
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