Posted on October 4, 2023  — 



Never a night of complete ease, Petrified of arson and theft, A nightmare of extreme terror.

Who would've thought that A brother would kill a brother? Humanity, we have lost faith in. Sweet timbre of laughter and joy, The perfect amount of harmony, Now replaced with that of gunshots. Safest havens built for decades, With blood, sweat and tears, Drenched today, in blood, sweat and tears. A beautiful land of colours once Now, a painted canvas of Red. To whom do we owe this much pain and torture? Our beautiful friends currently pawns of the devil.

The great Switzerland of India, The lovely soil of the hills and the valleys, Stands alone now, deserted and barren. Yesterday gone, today lost, tomorrow feared, A cycle repeated like an unhealthy habit, The ugliest pattern in history. If today we die, we die with honour. If tomorrow we live, we live for honour.

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