The frost bites deep in the mountain’s breast,
Where Kuki hearts find no place for rest.
Beneath the weight of an endless sky;
Snowflakes fall like a mourner’s cry!
Yet still they march, in silence proud,
Each breath a ghost, each step a vow.
Through bitter nights and frozen rain;
They bear the weight of untold pain.
For in their hearts, a flame still burns,
A dream of home to which they yearn.
Though winter’s claws may tear the skin:
The Kuki soul endures within!
The land of hills, the hearth’s warm glow,
Call to them softly through the snow.
And so, they fight, and so they stand:
A people strong, united, grand.
Through icy winds and battle’s roar,
The Kuki warriors strive once more.
Their spirits rise, though bodies tired;
For freedom’s song is their desire!
Thingkho Le Malcha (TLM) is a traditional method of communication used to send out messages across the Kuki hills during the Anglo-Kuki War,1917-1919... more
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