Posted on December 5, 2023  — 

To all the Heroes

To the ones we honor, "Kuki-Zo Lamkai",
Blessings upon them, marvelously alive.
Standing with God, their purpose so true,
For the people's voices, they dare to pursue.
These brave-hearted leaders, revered and adored,
By the people they champion, deeply adored.
Yearning for justice, their slogan they share,
To ensure the voices and cries are heard, everywhere.

To the ones scattered, far from their place,
Embrace not the guilt, nor deny your true grace.
For you are the backbone, resilient and strong,
By you the people's hopes and dreams belong.
A future society, united and just,
Where we are called "nampi khombul," we'll trust.
Each step we take, building tomorrow secure,
By the strength and vision, we shall endure.

To the soldiers so valiant, our ultimate protectors,
Your sacrifices have made us resilient connectors.
To you we owe our safety, our eternal debt,
For you stand as guardians, unwavering yet.
To all our heroes, your strength must remain,
For the day of victory, we yearn to attain.
Our world in darkness, awaiting the light,
A faithful torchbearer, you must be, igniting our sight.

When that glorious day emerges and sings,
The anthem of triumph, our victory brings,
The people forever grateful, ne'er to forget,
The heroes who fought, with no regret.

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