Posted on April 13, 2024  — 

Two Brave Hearts Lost in the Fray

Today, I awoke to a day filled with promise,
Only to witness the sorrow of my kin,
Two valiant souls, full of daring and strength,
Who fell while defending their beloved ancestral land.

They stood tall, guarding the land they cherish,
Their bravery and fortitude etched in our souls,
Countless tears shed, the pain lingers on,
Yet my courageous brothers met a tragic fate,
Their bodies tossed about by the enemy's cruelty.

The barbaric acts and cruelties must not be forgotten,
The authorities must address and heal the wounds of the people,
To secure the well-being and honor of the population.

But within their sacrificial offering, they live on,
Residing in the hearts of those who mourn their absence,
Their spirit sparks a fervent flame within us,
Their legacy kindles a fire in our souls.

O, Divine Protector, stand with your people,
We beseech you, bring justice for our brothers,
For their spirits seek tranquility and solace,
Watch over us, lead us through this tumult.

Dear brethren, your sacrifice is eternally etched in our hearts.

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