The hardest thing for a man is -
To watch his son struggling for his last breathe,
From the moment he first held him in his arms,
He had a high hopes on him, a bright future!
Every boy dreamt of becoming a true son of his father,
But, his dreams are blown away like a leaf by the winds!
The hardest thing for a woman is -
To watch her daughter being stripped off and raped!
From the moment she bored her into this life,
She had high hopes on her, a bright future!
Every girl dreamt of marrying a prince as in fairy tales,
But, that dreamt of hers shattered like a broken glasses!
We may say - what's still left behind with us?
When our sons and daughters are no more!
Our mouth is too dry to speak or sing,
Our hands and legs are too numb to move,
We don't have the will and thrill to live on!
Even the sunshine is too dimmed to brighten us!
But, thoughts of hope came into my mind,
That, neither our sons nor our daughter would like -
'The gloomy attitude of ours trying to give up - end of hopes'
They would rather wants us to fight - till the end no matter what!
So, let's awake and rise up, for there's more battle to fight!
This is our battle; not yours or mine alone but it's ours!
Thingkho Le Malcha (TLM) is a traditional method of communication used to send out messages across the Kuki hills during the Anglo-Kuki War,1917-1919... more
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